Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday Over the hump day

So Murphy's trip to the vet is proving successful. He is responding to the meds and he seems more comfortable. They really want to go for a walk. James does too apparently. It's been an intersting day at work to say the least. I accomplished all that I wanted to do today, and met two nice people who would like to work with us.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So we're at the vet today when my dog Murphy goes into a slight seizure. I said, "wait, you have to wait." Then told the vet that we were afraid to give him the ear medication because it could potential cause deafness. What he said next completely surprised me. He said, "at this place, we never argue with the mothering instinct, because most of the time its right." I started to get sad because I can't have children. And I'm hoping the empire waist sun dress I had on, did not make me look pregnant. Double Whammy. Ouch. James assured me, that because we carried the dog in and were acting like we pamper him, that is why they said that. Not because they thought I looked pregnant. So the first thing I did when I got home was go for a nice long walk. Just to make sure the almost mistake of thinking I'm pregnant doesn't happen again.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Yoga Confrontation

I was surprised when one of my yoga instructors approached me after class. On Sunday, one of the participants of the meditation confronted me when I mentioned my husband put me on a "financial diet." She implied that he was oppressing me and if I work I should spend whatever I want. What she didn't know is that I do have to have more self-restraint as far as spending goes. And me getting a separate account will allow James and I to be closer. Less fights about money. It works. She came from an oppressive marriage and was fighting for all her possessions. I feel for her. My prayers are for this girl tonight. She deserves better. And in my heart, even though she semi-embarrassed me, I would want her on my side.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


James, my husband, accused me of criticizing him from the moment I walked in the door. All because I asked him to keep the garage door closed because it will now take all night to cool the house off. He left it open for three hours during the 90 degree weather. Grant it, I was not home helping him. I was off doing a healing meditation with Crystal Bowls. (I don't work in heat that high, its bad for your heart and can make you dehydrated fast.) I asked what he thought his part was, he didn't get it. All he heard was me gripping about that and the fact that his back hurts so bad he can not stand in a normal posture, and he constantly crosses his legs while standing. I know I'm critical of him as far as these two things go. But for the record. Its really hard to cool off this house once heat gets in. The air conditioner doesn't reach upstairs and I'm old and hate heat. And he knows this. Urgggh I have to stop. Gripping about the garage door will not make him close it any faster. I'm frustrated.


Oh it's going to be a hot one today. I'm planning to go to a meditation at Sterling Yoga, I always feel protected after the meditations. So James is still sleeping, all the dogs are too. I'm working on worksheets about fear and anxiety and giving all your worries up to God. I often times don't remember to do that. I just have to be mindful in the future. I was feeling mighty creative yesterday, now today, I'm just feeling hot. So we shall see how this day goes.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


So I'm at church, on time for a change, and an old lady comes up and instead of sitting beside me, sits on me. It was only 90 degrees in church today, I sure needed a cuddle, not. So I call her "scooter" cause every time we got up or sat down, she scooted closer to me. By the end of mass James was outside smoking and I was sitting in the middle of the pew. I started out on the end of the pew. Is this a sign from God?

Noon show down with the weather

Any one at work, at home or who has ever met me knows...I have an aversion to hot weather. So I thought. Since I started Yoga last year, I am finding I like hot weather. Not extreme, but mid eighty's is agreeing with me. Every breeze is a blessing and I'm finding activities like going to the pool on my own or relaxing out in the yard with a book have become staples in my existence. I am no longer complaining to James that I don't want to do anything. The secret is drinking lots of cold ice water, and keeping your body temperature cool by submerging yourself in a pool of water. Awesome.

Number Phobia

Does anyone else have a Number phobia? Mine is the Number 26. It's 13 x 2. Which is double the trouble. Nothing ever good seems to happen on 26 days. Interesting to see what other people think. I'll blog today on all the wonderful things that happen today. Maybe it will turn my superstitions around.

New Life

What makes life good? To me watching my husband sleep peacefully without the worried look on his face. Other things include seeing my dogs come in from their nightly walk, completely happy and content that they have accomplished something great. The look of total satisfaction gets me everytime. For me personally, Spending time with another human being, any human being, makes me happy. I love discovering people. Listening to their views on life, on other people, on how they live their lives. Hearing them tell their life stories. I love it.

So this is my first post ever

June 26, 2010 ~ It's been a lonely morning, the dogs won't even get out of bed to spend time with me. But I have my black and white cow Kitty sitting with me. I just read the most interesting quote "Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. this special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C's. They are curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably." Walt Disney
Boy, could I ever use some confidence in my life. I guess I could just fake it till I make it. I prayed this morning that God would put someone in my life that I could help. When I'm helping people I'm not sad, I'm not fretting. When I'm engaged in an activity wether its picking out fabric for a new dress, or attempting to teach my neice Yoga, I feel good and confident. that is what I need.