Sunday, June 27, 2010


James, my husband, accused me of criticizing him from the moment I walked in the door. All because I asked him to keep the garage door closed because it will now take all night to cool the house off. He left it open for three hours during the 90 degree weather. Grant it, I was not home helping him. I was off doing a healing meditation with Crystal Bowls. (I don't work in heat that high, its bad for your heart and can make you dehydrated fast.) I asked what he thought his part was, he didn't get it. All he heard was me gripping about that and the fact that his back hurts so bad he can not stand in a normal posture, and he constantly crosses his legs while standing. I know I'm critical of him as far as these two things go. But for the record. Its really hard to cool off this house once heat gets in. The air conditioner doesn't reach upstairs and I'm old and hate heat. And he knows this. Urgggh I have to stop. Gripping about the garage door will not make him close it any faster. I'm frustrated.

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